biomass energy services

GetSurrey on… renewable energy – five differing viewpoints

getSurrey asked five figures from within our community for their views on renewable energy, here are their considered responses…

One of the 5 responses is from our MD , Mark Lebus….

Founded in 2007 LC Energy has grown to become one of the UK’s leading providers of wood fuels and systems with clients across all sectors ranging from Heathrow Airport, Center Parcs and the NHS to Guildford Borough Council, Birtley House Care Home and Surrey Sports Park.

“There has been a huge push towards the use of renewable energy over the past decade for three important reasons – controlling costs, ensuring security of supply and protecting our environment.”

“Across the South East, there is a high dependency on heating oil which has recognisable cost unpredictability.”

“Given that Surrey is the most wooded county in England, we have created local timber to local heat supply chains for long term security and consistent pricing.”

“The added benefit is that it is bringing woodlands back into management which improves biodiversity and better tree growth.”

“Wood fuel heating has matured significantly across Europe over the past 50 years, which means the technology and expertise already exists.”

“Systems installed in the UK are very sophisticated and highly efficient with automatic fuel feed technology and remote monitoring.”

“Although the cost of wood fuel installations is normally greater than the cost for oil or gas systems, the good news is that the government launched the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) a few years ago, which ensures a short payback on the capital investment and continues for 20 years in total.”

We’re here to help you with your requirements. Speak to our Experts. 

We’d love to talk to you, get in touch with your heat requirements. We can help answer your renewable energy questions.

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