1. Woodland Area In The UK
In 1905 the total recorded woodland area in the UK was 4.7%Â compared to a huge 13.1% in 2018 this is an increase of 2033 million hectares. Forest Research
2. Bioenergy In Europe
17% of Europe’s energy consumption is from renewables, of which 10.5% is bioenergy. However, a huge amount can still be done. Bioenergy Europe
3. Carbon Neutral Life Cycle Of A Tree
Over the months and years that a tree is growing it absorbs the same amount of carbon dioxide as when it is burnt.
4. Biomass is Carbon-lean
Wood fuel has a number of benefits, but the most significant one in the 21st Century is its potential role in helping to prevent dangerous climate change. That’s because it can result in lower nett emissions of greenhouse gases than those emitted by burning fossil fuels.
5. Biomass Is The Leading Renewable In Europe
Out of all renewable energy consumed in Europe bioenegry makes up an impressive 63.36%.
6. Without Management Many Woodlands Would Simply Fail
Sustainable management of woodlands for wood fuel is good for wildlife, biodiversity and woodland health, because the thinning, harvesting and coppicing of trees for wood fuel opens up the woodland floor to the sunlight. This encourages a greater range of plants, animals and insects to flourish than if the woodland were left to become rank, dark and overgrown – a state that foresters call “over-mature” or “under-managed”. Forestry Gov
7. Wood Fuel From Sustainably Managed Woodlands Is Replanted
Wood fuel produced from sustainably managed forests is ‘replaced’ by the next crop of growing trees, which reabsorbs the same amount of carbon that is emitted by the current crop being burned.
8. Quality Assured Wood Fuel & Systems Meet Air Quality Standards
By buying wood-burning equipment and wood fuel from a reputable supplier who guarantees that the fuel’s moisture content complies with the industry standard and your equipment’s specification ensures relatively low levels of emissions to meet air-quality requirements.
This is addition to ensuring that a biomass boiler is sufficiently maintained to the manufactures recommendations.