
LC Energy Team Plant Lavender At New Wood Chip Depot

On Wednesday, volunteers led by Zander Dale, our Stock Coordinator, planted 60 lavender plants at the new depot site in Albury.

The flowers are part of LC Energy’s new sustainability plan, to increase our ecological presence at the site and add a pop of colour in advance of the official depot launch in September.

We purchased the plants from Lavender Fields at Hartley Park Farm, a family run business in the heart of the Hampshire countryside. The chosen species were Lavender ‘Grosso’, Lavandula × intermedia ‘Grosso’, which should produce deep bluish-purple flowers when in bloom. Grosso are also known for their strong aromatic scent which are popular for flower-visiting insects.

The rapid decline of bees and other pollinating species due to the lack of flowers is a key concern for environmentalists around the world. We are being encouraged to plant more flowers to provide the nectar and pollen insects need, in order to reduce these devastating effects. We hope our lavender will actively help local wildlife.

This small project represents the start of our efforts to increase the environmental awareness at more of our sites. Future tasks include the implementation of bee hives and bird boxes and the planting of a number of trees. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with these developments, or for inspiration as to how you can help increase sustainability and encourage environmental preservation in your area.

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