
Official Sandpit Wood Fuel Depot Opening and 10-Year Anniversary Coming Soon!

This year has been busy for LC Energy. In addition to our 10- year anniversary in June, we have recently purchased a new wood chip depot the ‘Sandpit’ down the road from our HQ in Albury.

We believe wood fuel is the perfect answer to the fossil fuel crisis – providing a renewable, sustainable and suitable fuel solution. The expansion of our local hub model and the production of more highly-accredited wood chip will allow us to contribute further to a sustainable future by meeting the demand from the emerging biomass market.

To celebrate our first decade, and the new depot, we are holding a corporate event on the 8th September. The official depot opening will be accompanied with talks and presentations. We hope they will be a chance to reflect on how far we have come as a business, as well as a look at the exciting things ahead. This is a closed event, however if you would like more information regarding our 10th anniversary, the depot, or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at

We’re here to help you with your requirements. Speak to our Experts. 

We’d love to talk to you, get in touch with your heat requirements. We can help answer your renewable energy questions.

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