Wood Fuel Conference 2014 Presentations
All the presentations from the National Wood Fuel Conference are available to download here;
Working Together at home and in Europe
Simon Whalley, Chairman, Surrey Hills Enterprises CIC
Government Perspective
Guy Boulby, Head of Heat Networks and Buildings Heat Policy
Opportunities for Landowners and Growers
Tom Beeley, Renewables Adviser, CLA
How much wood – The Production Forecast
Ben Ditchburn, Programme Leader, National Forest Inventory, Forestry Commission
Guidance on Biomass Heating from CIBSE
David Palmer BSc MSc CEnv MIEMA, The Campbell Palmer Partnership Ltd
The Sustainability Criteria
Richard Edwards, Timber Manager, LC Energy and Susanna Lohri, Consultant, Efeca
Opportunities for Growth
Ron Crank, Chief Executive, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership
More Than Just Firewood
Steve Cook, Principal Sustainable Development Manager to Deputy Director,
Grown in Britain, Willmott Dixon Re-Thinking Limited