Highfield & Brookham School 4

LC Energy Hosts BEIS On Behalf Of The UK Pellet Council

On Tuesday 26th October, LC Energy hosted 14 members from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial strategy (BEIS) on behalf of the UK Pellet Council (UKPC).

BEIS is a ministerial department of the UK Government, supported by 42 agencies and public bodies who work towards tackling climate change, unleashing innovation and making the UK a great place to work and do business.

The UKPC launched the Biomass Heat Works! campaign in response to the government’s new 2050 target of net-zero carbon emissions. Biomass Heat Works! is the voice of the UK’s biomass heat industry. More information on the Biomass Heat Works! Campaign can be found here: https://www.biomassheatworks.co.uk/.

The day led by Mark Lebus, Chair of the UKPC and Managing Director of LC Energy, was a fact-finding mission that involved visiting 5 rural off grid biomass users, demonstrating how biomass is the most appropriate renewable technology, to decarbonise heat in rural and off grid areas.

The day delivered a clear message to the Government; to create a more tailored, fit-for-purpose heat decarbonisation policy specifically for rural off-grid properties that better (fully) supports biomass as the most suitable solution.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank BEIS for attending the tour.

We’re here to help you with your requirements. Speak to our Experts. 

We’d love to talk to you, get in touch with your heat requirements. We can help answer your renewable energy questions.

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